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One Injured in Exchange of Gunfire With Deputies

Date Posted: 10/29/2014
Category: General

A 22 yr old Lake Nebagamon woman was taken into custody and hospitalized this afternoon after an armed standoff with sheriff's deputies.

Deputies were called at 2:50pm to the 7600 block of East Lake Blvd in Lake Nebagamon after a woman called 911 and said her daughter pulled a gun on her during an argument.  The mother had fled the scene and ran to a neighboring residence to call 911.

On arrival, there was initially some confusion as to the location of the suspect because there were three residences in close proximity to each other. That was quickly remedied, however, when deputies were met with a volley of gunfire through a closed window of the A frame styled house.  Three bullets struck the garage, narrowly missing the deputies.

Deputies retreated to positions of cover and additional personnel were called in.  Phone contact was established with the suspect through a third party.  The suspect told the third party that she was planning suicide by cop.  Several shots were heard to come from inside the residence.

The suspect eventually appeared out a second story door onto a deck and fired shots in the direction of deputies.  Deputies returned fire and the suspect retreated back into the house.  Phone contact was again established and the suspect said she was hit and bleeding.  Sheriff's office negotiators were eventually able to convince her to put down the gun and go outside, where she was taken into custody and provided medical treatment by Gold Cross Ambulance, who was staged in the area.  She was taken to a Duluth hospital with a minor gunshot wound to the right side.

The incident remains under investigation by the Douglas and Bayfield County Sheriff's Offices.

Lake Nebagamon Volunteer Fire Department and WI State Patrol also assisted with the incident.