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Pursuant to §19.34(1) Wis Stats., this Notice is provided to the public as to the times, place and methods whereby the public may gain access for the purposes of inspection and copying of public records maintained by the Douglas County Sheriff's Office.


AUTHORITY:  Douglas County Sheriff's Office: 1316 N 14th St., Suite 100, Superior, WI  54880


This office provides public safety services to Douglas County, the County Board of Supervisors, committees, commissions, boards, departments and agencies of Douglas County.  Its authority is generally derived from §59.27 Wis. Stats and Chapter 4 of the Douglas County Ordinances.  


TYPES OF RECORDS:  Requests may include, by are not limited to, accident reports, incident reports, photographs, recordings, statistics, statements, records checks and background checks.


ESTABLISHED TIME FOR ACCESS:  8:00 a.m. TO 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.  Requests for inspection of records require and appointment as to not disrupt the normal functioning of the Sheriff's Office.


PLACE OF ACCESS:  Law Enforcement Center, 1316 n 14th St., Suite 100, Superior, WI  54880


LEGAL CUSTODIAN:  Donna L. Stone, as designated under § 19.33(1).


METHOD OF ACCESS:  Requests for records shall made to the Douglas County Sheriff's Office.  The legal custodian should be requested.  Each requester shall reasonably describe the type of record or information requested.  If the request is not reasonably limited by subject matter or length of time, the custodian may deny it.  Emailed requests to the legal records custodian will be accepted. Identification of the requester shall only be required as provided by law.  Requesters will be required to review records in the presence of the custodian.  It shall be the responsibility of the requester to abide by and comply with all regulations and restrictions upon access to or use of the information specifically prescribed by law.  As soon as practical, the custodian shall notify requesters of partial or complete denial of access.  Oral requests may be denied orally.  If the requester submits a written demand for a written statement of reasons for the denial, a response will be composed within ten (10) business days of the oral denial.


COPYING OF RECORDS, COST OF COPIES AND RESEARCH:  Requests for records or information that for whatever reason is unable to be emailed will be provided at the established rate set forth on the Douglas County Records Fee Schedule.  Pre-payment will be required if the total amount of the fees exceed $5.  In the event that the cost, in terms of labor and other expenses of locating a record exceeds $50, the requester shall be assessed such costs and prepayment will be required.  In addition, the requester shall pay the actual costs or mailing and shipping.